Something Whimsical

Something Whimsical

Today’s post is written by Stephen Parsons. People who are new to woodworking and those who view it from the perspective of an external observer may think of woodworking as being somewhat an homogeneous field of work. But there are many styles and perspectives of...

Working in Series

Today’s post written by Mary Elizabeth O’Toole Have you ever finished an art project and realized that you would like to investigate a different angle, use another colour combination or apply new techniques? All of these reflections are good reasons to...

Wishes and Updates

Happy New Year! As we begin 2016, we’re excited about some ideas that we have been developing.  Stay tuned for more soon. The past couple of months have been busy with work away from Chez Craft so haven’t had nearly as much production time as we would have...

Making Faces

This has been a busy week with most of my creating art time spent working on several birthday and Christmas gifts (pictures later but don’t want to spoil the surprise for recipients). Last weekend, however, I had a chance to take a really fun workshop AND get in...