Shop Apron

Yesterday, I shared a project that Stephen made for my ‘studio’ and today I’m going to tell you about a couple of things that I have made for Stephen to use when he is in the shop: a custom apron and a roll for some of his turning tools. The first...

Playing with acrylic

I’ve talked before about my experiments with acrylic paint but today I’m talking about an entirely different thing.  Stephen has been wanting to try making something with heavy duty plexiglass sheets and he recently found a project: a sewing machine...

Quilting for charity

This week I finished a couple of quick quilt tops for donation.  I used jelly roll strips that I had from a guild fabric exchange and tried the jelly roll challenge quilt.  It is quick and easy to make to make so a perfect choice for a last minute gift or a donation....

Colour Challenge – shades of gray

It has been a few weeks since I posted a colour challenge but I have been continuing to play with my acrylic paints. This week, I was focused on finding a spectrum of shades and tones in my scrap stash. Since I was experimenting with adding gray (or grey) to colour,...

Drawing challenged

I am a writer, a list maker, a planner.   I am most definitely NOT a person who can draw much of anything that would be recognizable without a label.  Not entirely true, I guess because I can manage things like fruit or line drawings of fish or simplified animals....

South Shore Road Trip

I spent the day on the South Shore of Nova Scotia with a number of members of the Atlantic Woodworkers’ Association (AWA)  watching some skilled trades people .  What a time we had.   I have often wished that  I had learned woodworking much younger and today...

Month of learning

I’m excited!  I just learned about the Craftsy October All Access Pass.   It is the first time that I have seen something like this on ths site.  For a limited time, you can buy a one month pass to any of Craftsy’s 800+ classes.  It looks until you have...

October Blog Challenge

It is a new month, a new quarter – and time for a new blog challenge.  I am going to participate in the Ultimate Blog Challenge, a challenge to add a new post for every day of the month.  It is a great way to get in the habit of writing here every day.  It also...

Not feeling inspired?

Now that fall has officially arrived, time to reflect on the summer.  The past few months have not been as productive as hoped.  This has many causes – low energy, limited inspiration and the usual glut of distractions.  Whatever the reason, my output was not as...

Hacking Becksvoort

Today’s post is written by Stephen Parsons. In the August edition of Fine Woodworking Christian Becksvoort presented an article on making a traditional Shaker laptop writing desk. His version uses dovetail joinery and features a small drawer at the side of the...